Visitor LineUp | Home Lineup |
{{LineUp.VisitorLineUp}} | {{LineUp.HomeLineUp}} |
Visitors | Inning # | Home | Inning # |
{{inningScore.VisitorLineUp}} | {{inningScore.VisitorInning}} | {{inningScore.HomeLineUp}} | {{inningScore.HomeInning}} |
{{SelectedAgent.PlayerNumber}} {{SelectedAgent.FirstName}} {{SelectedAgent.LastName}}
- {{SelectedAgent.EmailId}}
- Position
- {{SelectedAgent.Position}}
- State
- {{SelectedAgent.State}}
- City
- {{SelectedAgent.City}}
- Phone #
- {{SelectedAgent.PhoneNumber}}
- {{SelectedAgent.DOB | date: 'MM-dd-yyyy'}}
Team | Tournament | BA | G | AB | Runs | H | 2B | 3B | HR | RBI |
{{stats.TeamName}} | {{stats.TourOrLeaguename}} | {{stats.BA}} | {{stats.G}} | {{stats.AB}} | {{stats.Runs}} | {{stats.Hits}} | {{stats.TwoB}} | {{stats.ThreeB}} | {{stats.HR}} | {{stats.RBI}} |
First Name | Last Name | is Anonymous | Player Number | |
{{player.FirstName}} | {{player.LastName}} | {{player.isAnonymous}} | {{player.PlayerNumber}} | Add |
2024 ProAm Senior Softball Rules and Procedures |
1) Game Rules - Will be same as USA Amateur Softball Except for the following. |
A. Rosters – Florida Teams will only have players from within the state of Florida (exceptions will be granted for Players living in bordering states. Will need approval first. Any Roster changes will need approval. B. Eligible Player- EXCEPTION FOR 2024: 50s 47 and 48 year olds from last year are Grandfathered in. 50s Teams are allowed 1 - 49 and the remainder turning 50 by December 31st. 60s Teams are allowed 1 - 59 and the remainder turning 60 by December 31st. 65s Teams are allowed 1 - 64 and the remainder turning 65 by December 31st. 70s Teams are allowed 1 - 69 and the remainder turning 70 by December 31st. 75s Teams are allowed 1 - 74 and the remainder turning 75 by December 31st. C. Roster Players – Total Roster Players shall not exceed 20 Players. A Roster Player is registered by the Coach at the beginning of that Team’s Playing year. That Team is that Player’s Primary Team for the Year. If this Player Plays as a Pickup Player for a different team at a tournament that his primary team is not playing in this is the player’s Secondary Team. The Player can only play in the State Tournament for his Primary Team. Exception: His Primary Team did not register for the State Tournament, then the player can play for his Secondary Team. D. Player Addition – The Coach can only register One Upper Level Player no more than two levels up Example: A C Team can pick up an A Player but no Higher. And Four same level of player or Lower. E. Pick Up Player - A Pick Up Player is a Player that is on a Team that did not come to the Tournament OR an Available Player that is not on a Team. A Player cannot be Picked Up If his Team is competing in the Tournament. Exception: Coach from his primary team permits his Player to Play for another Team for the entire Tournament. That Player cannot also Play for his Primary Team. He Can Play for a 50s Team and a 60s if it helps bring in new Teams. But is Strongly urged not to. F. Available Player / Free Agent - Available Player is a Pick Up Player unless he is not registered with a Team. Then he is a Free Agent and can either stay on the Pick Up Team or not and be available for a different Team in future Tournaments. G. Major Plus Division – The homerun limit will be UNLIMITED unless otherwise specified per Tournament. Teams can score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning until the last inning which will be an open inning. Teams will hit the ProAm Softball approved Softball. H. Major Division - The homerun limit will be UNLIMITED unless otherwise specified per Tournament. Teams can score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning until the last inning which will be an open inning. Teams will hit the ProAm Softball approved Softball. I. A Division - The homerun limit will be UNLIMITED unless otherwise specified per Tournament. Teams can score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning until the last inning which will be an open inning. Teams will hit the ProAm Softball approved Softball. J. B Division - The homerun limit will be UNLIMITED unless otherwise specified per Tournament. Teams can score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning until the last inning which will be an open inning. Teams will hit the ProAm Softball approved Softball. K. C Division - The homerun limit will be UNLIMITED unless otherwise specified per Tournament. Teams can score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning until the last inning which will be an open inning. Teams will hit the ProAm Softball approved Softball. L. D Division - The homerun limit will be UNLIMITED unless otherwise specified per Tournament. Teams can score a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning until the last inning which will be an open inning. Teams will hit the ProAm Softball approved Softball. M. A Mixed Division Bracket - Lower Division Team has the choice of an Eleventh Player on the field or five runs. There may be a Home Run Limit. When the Limit is reached it may either be one up, or an out, or a single base hit, this will be decided per Tournament. N. ProAm Softball Approved Softballs – ProAm approved softballs will be provided at the Tournaments. If the Coach has ProAm approved Softballs from a previous Tournament he may use them. Exception: Softballs with small Fence or Road nicks in them may be used with Umpire Approval. O. Pre Game Meeting – Coaches need to meet with the Umpire before each game at Home Plate. Umpire and Coaches will introduce themselves and go over a few rules and answer any questions the Coaches may have. P. Coach Protests – If Coaches have any Protest, Questions, or Concerns about the Game. Either come to the Reception Table or Email: Q. A Homerun over the Fence – Is considered Hit and sit. All Base runners do not have to touch another base. R. Pitch Count – Beginning Pitch Count is 1 Ball and 1 Strike no Courtesy Foul After Second Strike. S. Pitching Position – Pitching must occur from the rubber, with one foot required to be on the rubber before the pitching arm enters motion, during, and up to the release of the ball. T. Pitching Heights – Pitching heights are restricted to above 6 feet and below 12 feet. A pitch will be considered legal if it clears the top of the net and remains lower than twice the height of the pitcher. U. Pitching Motion – One continuous motion while Facing and looking forward. Nothing Fancy. An illegal Fancy pitch will be live if a good hit. If not a good hit then it will become a No Pitch. V. Pitcher Safety Net – Pitcher must be behind net when ball is struck. On a hard hit ball, pitcher may not come from behind the net until it is safe to react to a ball that has hit the ground. If the ball is a line drive he may reach out to catch it with his glove, but his head and body needs to remain behind the safety net. W. Pitching Net Position – Pitching Net cannot be more than 3 feet in front of Pitching Mound. Once set cannot be moved during the half inning unless relief Pitcher is put in. Cannot cover more than half the Pitching Mound. X. Tie-breaking innings will feature the last out placed on second base, with five runs allowed. The second inning will have the last out on second and the previous batter on third, with seven runs allowed. Subsequent innings will allow nine runs. Y. Time Limit for Games – A one-hour timer will signal an open inning if no pitch is thrown in the top of the inning. If a pitch has been thrown before the timer expires, the current inning will be completed, and the subsequent inning will be open. Z. Runner Substitution – Runner Substitutes need to be ready to run as soon as Batter reaches his base. If Batter gets up and on Base a second time in same inning, he may use the same runner that last ran for him. A substitute runner cannot run for a second base runner in the same inning. AA. DETERMINING WINNING TEAM – If Win/Loss is same. It goes to Head to Head. If the two teams played each other twice and both have won once then It goes to Total Runs given up, Then Runs Scored, Then Runs Given up Head to Head. BB. Rabit Runner: Will start 8 feet back from 3rd base line. Leaves at point of contact. Can run as far as he can for the hit. Only up to two rabbit runners per team per game. |
2) Uniforms – Players should have matching uniforms Shirts. Coaches should have similar Colors. ProAm director may make decisions for first time exceptions to uniform use. 3) Line Ups – Coaches need to provide Line ups to the Scorekeeper and to the competing Team Coach ten minutes before game time. 4) Game Times – Games will begin on time. After First game of the Day, the following Games may begin 30 Minutes Early. 5) Bench Area/Dugout – Only Coaches, Players, and Sponsors are allowed in dugout. 6) Players Outside of Dugout: Only Batter, On Deck Batter, and Base Coaches are aloud outside of Dugout while Game is in Play. 7) Offensive Language: No Spectators, Players, or Coaches are allowed to use offensive language or remarks towards anyone. In the interest of SAFETY the Umpire will give one warning to the perpetrator. Coaches and their Players are expected to have Good Sportsmanship behavior. 8) Ejection – For Offensive Language That Game and One More, For Pushing or Striking Another Player The Rest of That Tournament and after reviewing the circumstances, Possibly Further Action. 9) Run Rule – 50s, 60s, 65s, 70s, and 74s Division: 20 Runs after 4 Innings, 15 Runs after 5 Innings. 10) Rain delays lasting one to two hours will prompt email notifications to all coaches, detailing field conditions and the expected duration of the delay. Follow-up emails will be sent after one or two hours, as applicable. Still bring your team same time as previous schedule because games are 45 minutes. 11) Games under rain delay: 45 minute Finish and 1 more 1-1 pitch count 7 runs an inning. Remaining Games from Saturday: Will begin Sunday until completed then Sunday Schedule will follow. 12) Rain Delay - In the event of rain or any cause which interrupts a game, the game must be resumed at the exact point where it was stopped. It is the manager's responsibility to contact the Tournament Representative at the field for rescheduled game information. In the event the tournament can't be completed within the scheduled time frame and more than forty-percent (40%) of the scheduled games have been completed, the official final order of finish will be determined by the position of the teams in the bracket. The following procedures will be used to break ties and among teams in the same spot in the bracket: |
1. Win-loss records except among undefeated teams. 2. If only two teams are tied for a position and have played each other, the winner of that game. 3. Exception: If Teams played each other twice then it will be determined by Total Runs Given up or Runs Against in all games. 4. If 3 or more teams are tied in a bracket it will be ranked according to the fewest runs allowed from all games played. 5. If tied on fewest runs allowed, then total runs scored wins 6. If still tied, runs given up in head to head games. Or Runs scored Head to Head. 7. If a tie still exists, by a coin toss. WE WILL DO OUR BEST TO COMPLETE THE TOURNAMENT EVEN IF WE MUST PLAY AROUND THE CLOCK AND UNDER ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS. THE TOURNAMENT FORMAT WILL BE MODIFIED IF NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE GAMES AND CROWN THE TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS. TEAMS SHOULD REPORT TO THEIR SCHEDULED FIELD FOR RAIN DELAY INSTRUCTIONS. IN THE EVENT OF PROLONGED RAIN PLEASE CONTACT A TOURNAMENT OFFICIAL FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. SHOULD AN EVENT BE TOTALLY RAINED OUT THE PROAM SOFTBALL WILL WORK WITH THE PARTICIPATING TEAMS TO RESCHEDULE AND/OR PROVIDE AN APPROPRIATE CREDIT TOWARD ANOTHER FUTURE TOURNAMENT. |
13. SPECIAL DIVISION RULES: In the 65+ men’s divisions and up and 50+ to 70+ women’s divisions eleven defensive players shall constitute a team (Teams may elect to start and play with 10 defensive players with no penalty). ASA rules for re-entry and extra players will apply. In the 70+ Division the roster may include up to three 69 year old players. In the 75+ Division the roster may include up to five 74 year old players. And in the 80+ Division the roster may include up to seven 78 and/or 79 year old players. Roster eligibility for 70+, 75+ and 80+ men's teams needs to live in the state of Florida. 14. CONDUCT: Team Managers and coaches are asked to have complete control of their players both on and off the playing field. Any report of damage by hotel and/or park management will be dealt with by the tournament committee. Managers are reminded that an ejected player must have a substitute or the game is a forfeit. 15. ELIGIBILITY: Participation in PROAM SOFTBALL is open to amateur players only. A player may only play with one team per Age Division. A player on two rosters in different age classifications must be at the same skill level unless approved otherwise by the tournament director. All teams should refer to the ASA code and check with the Tournament officials for clarifications and interpretations. The PROAM SOFTBALL has established residency requirements for team rosters in all divisions. Unless approved otherwise in writing, all roistered players must reside in the state of Florida or adjacent state. Teams must play with the same roster that was used to determine their classification by the PROAM SOFTBALL Rating Committee. EXCEPTION: A team may use up to three pick-up players by advising the PROAM SOFTBALL office prior to the tournament. The pick-up players must come from a team(s) in the same rated division. The use of any other pickup players must be approved in writing by the tournament staff prior to the tournament and may result in a higher team classification. A complete and accurate player softball history must accompany any request to use pickup players. All players must be on the roster prior to the start of the tournament; under no circumstances will teams be allowed to pick up players at the tournament. Non-rated teams must submit their roster in advance for approval and team classification. Teams with no playing history will not be placed in the AA Division under most circumstances. 16. IDENTIFICATION CHECK: All players will be required to check with the tournament committee and produce proof of identity with a Legal picture ID Drivers License preferred. Players are required to carry their ID at all times since random ID checks may be made prior to any game. It is the team manager’s responsibility to verify the eligibility of all players on the team. Player eligibility is never waived or approved by virtue of the ID check-in at the tournament site. 17. BATS: All bats used in PROAM 50 SOFTBALL play for all divisions must be official softball bats. Senior Softball Bats are acceptable. Bats must have their original paint markings for complete identification. Tournament officials have the right to keep any bat suspected of being altered or otherwise illegal for a period of thirty (30) days to have it inspected and/or tested. Any bat found to be altered or illegal could result in the player and manager being disqualified from future participation in PROAM 50 Softball. Any team protesting a bat alleging it to be altered must post the Bat Protest Fee of $350.00. 18. PROTECTIVE GEAR: The current bats first pose a clear competitive imbalance issue and to a much lesser extent a risk of injury issue. The use of too soft bats by some players and not others is an unfair advantage which PROAM SOFTBALL believes must be removed from the game. In addition, it has been argued that such bats may increase the risk of injury from a batted ball. Even with the current composite bats in play during recent years, it remains the statistical and insurance experience that the game of softball remains among the safest athletic activities in America. However, this does not mean there is no risk of injury from a batted ball. There is, and always has been, risk inherent in the game of senior softball from being struck with a batted (or even thrown) ball, a risk of injury from a batted (or thrown) ball does exist. Anyone who has a concern about an injury occurring from being struck with a ball during a ProAm 50 Senior Softball organized tournament should address that concern by the use of protective gear which is available and has always been allowed in PROAM SOFTBALL play. 19. BALLS: All balls used in the PROAM SOFTBALL senior tournaments are PROAM SOFTBALL approved-COR44, 375 psi Compression. 20. SOUVENIRS: Souvenir T-shirts will be available throughout the weekend at some venues. 21. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES/PETS: NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES may be brought into most of the parks. Park Rangers often monitor the parks and any player(s) caught with alcoholic beverages may be disallowed in the park system for the remainder of the tournament. Pets are not allowed to run loose in most parks. Participants should verify park rules at each venue and comply. 22. ENTRY FEE REFUNDS: Entry fees are non-refundable. Teams that withdraw after paying the entry fee and more than 30 days prior to the start of the tournament may be given a credit toward a future PROAM SOFTBALL tournament in the same calendar year. Written requests for a partial refund for withdrawal with cause may be considered. 23. TOURNAMENT VENDORS: At most PROAM SOFTBALL senior tournaments we will permit individuals and businesses (Vendors) to promote and market their products at the park (fields and parking lot). All Vendors are required to obtain approval in writing from PROAM SOFTBALL. It is the Vendor’s responsibility to fully comply with all local laws, codes and ordinances governing the business activity. Anyone interested in promoting or selling their product(s) should contact the PROAM SOFTBALL Office prior to the event. This Tournament Rule applies to all players and teams as well as business interests and failure to comply could result in removal from the event. 24. ENTRY DEADLINE: The Deadline for entering each PROAM SOFTBALL senior tournament is two weeks before the posted date of event. All participating teams should submit their Entry Fee online or mail to the PROAM SOFTBALL Office by the "Deadline" date. Also, the Online Roster / Player management needs to be completed by Entry Deadline. The Team Roster needs to be edited on line or printed and filled in and mailed in to PROAM SOFTBALL office. However, some tournaments may reach the field capacity much sooner than the published Deadline in which case the event will be closed at that time, the Online Entry Form taken down and thereafter any team desiring to play must submit an email requesting to be placed on the waiting list. Any team that fails to pay the entry fee prior to the deadline date will then be placed on the "Waiting List" with other teams. 25. STATE TOURNAENT: For 2021, Teams must Register and compete in 4/FOUR ProAm Tournaments. The Player must have played for the Team in 3/THREE Tournaments. If the State Tournament is rained out Saturday, then Sunday will be 2 game seeding and the third game will be the championship Game. If Games are rained out Sunday: The following procedures will be used to break ties and among teams in the same spot in the bracket: |
1. Win-loss records except among undefeated teams. 2. If only two teams are tied for a position and have played each other, the winner of that game. 3. Exception: If Teams played each other twice then it will be determined by Total Runs Given up or Runs Against in all games. 4. If 3 or more teams are tied in a bracket it will be ranked according to the fewest runs allowed from all games played. 5. If tied on fewest runs allowed, then total runs scored wins 6. If still tied, runs given up in head to head games. Or Runs scored Head to Head. 7. If a tie still exists, by a coin toss. |
Bulk Messaging |
All Coaches
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